Making Big Ideas from the Best Books. Accessible to Everyone.

Founded on books. Magnified with technology. Tailored for You.

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“To…read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.”

Victor Hugo

BookClub Has Three Building Blocks for Learning:
1. Sparks, 2. Playlists, & 3. Clubs.

a close up of a colorful square pattern on a black background

Spark: 1 Idea from 1 Book

What is it?
A 3-5 minute micro-lesson from an industry-leading book.

How is it used?
Share with anyone, anytime to create a working knowledge.

Why is it beneficial?
Creates an environment of quick, organic learning.

See example
A senior copywriter works with a junior writer and designer on a new ad. He shares the “Keep It Simple” Spark from Made to Stick as they begin the project.

Playlist: Multiple Sparks on a
Related Topic

What is it?
A collection of Sparks curated on a specific topic by managers or by BookClub’s AI.

How is it used?
Share with anyone, anytime. Individuals can go over the content at their own pace.

Why is it beneficial?
Creates a shared language and understanding on a specific topic for everyone involved.

See example
A company has promoted Ashley to a managerial position and her supervisor shares with her the “Cultivate Manager Skills for the Future” Playlist. In her place is a new hire, who is assigned the “Communicate and Collaborate” Playlist.

Club: Customized Group Learning Programs

What is it?
A group learning platform, combining Sparks and Activities, which optimizes learning and growth as a team.

How is it used?
Sparks and Activities are curated by managers who set a custom schedule for the content to be delivered for maximum retention.

Why is it beneficial?
Creates a space for ongoing learning, development, and application as a team.

See example
A supervisor wants to help managers develop leadership skills. He invites them to a Club, where he decides to learn from Dare to Lead, Master Mentors, and Extreme Ownership. He customizes the content they will go over from these books and the schedule for when the content will be delivered.

Trusted by

“If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Books transformed the world.
BookClub transforms leadership development.

Creating a lasting culture of collaborative learning through books.

A Lasting Culture…

A work culture should be positive, fulfilling, and full of growth, which is created by:

Shared experiences.

Shared working knowledge.

Shared language.

BookClub encourages and elevates a healthy culture for your team.

…of Collaborative Learning.

Research shows that learning as a group:

Develops critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills.

Increases engagement, motivation, and confidence.

Builds understanding of diverse perspectives.

Prepares for real world scenarios.

BookClub makes learning natural, effective, and functional.

Leaders are Readers

BookClub is the low-lift, high-impact solution for leadership development and employee success.