About the Book: We Should All Be Millionaires
Imagine what a millionaire looks like. Do you picture a woman? How about a woman of color? If not, it's time to reframe your thinking!
Rachel Rodgers wrote We Should All Be Millionaires for every woman, woman of color, or person from a marginalized group who wants to rake in the dough, but just can’t seem to get there. Rachel knows from experience that women and women of color are not given the same foundational building blocks as their male counterparts. We Should All Be Millionaires aims to change that.
You can find our interview between author Rachel Rodgers and Arlan Hamilton—BookClub author and host of our Keys to Success: Perseverance book club—here. The two discuss why we need more millionaires who are women, how women can claim their power (and their paycheck), and what it takes to get that money, honey.

Discussion Questions
- Rachel writes that “wealthy women open doors for other women.” Where have you seen this happen in your work life or in the broader culture (or where haven’t you seen it happen)? Do you think this can happen across color lines?
- Rachel argues that women don’t need “perfect childhoods, fair governments, or lots of money to become millionaires. The only thing we really need is the belief that we can.” Do you think Rachel is right? What forces of systemic or institutional oppression have you encountered in your life and/or career, and how have you dealt with them? Do you think it’s possible to circumvent those obstacles completely?
- Rachel writes, “for decades, the media has reinforced to women the idea that they are bad with money.” How have you seen the media reinforce this idea? Can you think of specific commercials, TV shows, or other media forms that have conveyed this message?
- Rachel shares in the book about how her childhood experiences and her parents’ financial issues influenced her relationship with money as an adult. What impact do you think early childhood financial experiences can have on us as adults and what is at stake if we don’t resolve them? Did you have experiences as a child that impacted your relationship to money like Rachel did?
- Can you think of an example of a “Broke Ass Decision” you’ve made in recent years? Why do you think it could be categorized as that? What did you learn from that moment? What would you do differently in that moment after reading this book?
- Rachel writes, “many women lack a powerful network, and this contributes to the gender and racial pay gaps and continued inequality when it comes to access to opportunity.” Can you think of an example of where you’ve experienced this in your own career?
- In chapter five, Rachel writes that “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Take a moment to consider who those people are in your life. Discuss how they make you feel and whether or not your association with them is making you more or less successful.
- Rachel quotes author and influencer Tim Ferriss, who says, “99% of people in the world are convinced they are incapable of achieving great things, so they aim for the mediocre. The level of competition is thus fiercest for ‘realistic’ goals, paradoxically making them the most time and energy consuming.” What was your initial reaction to this quote? Think about some of your own current goals. Do you think they’re great or mediocre? Take a moment to think about your big audacious million-dollar vision. How did you feel?
- What did you think of the concept “Be Her Now”? Do you think you’re embodying that yet? What are some behaviors your might engage in (or are already engaging in) that would make you feel like a million-dollar badass (even if you’re not there yet)?
- How does imposter syndrome show up in your life? Where do you think this comes from? Are there messages you’ve picked up from friends, family, and the broader culture that have made you think you’re not capable of achieving your goals? Did reading this book change that at all?
- “Lazy” is a word that most people would consider negative, but Rachel has a different take. Discuss your thoughts around the word “lazy,” and talk about how to differentiate between laziness and Rachel’s thought about taking the “easiest, chillest route” to success.
- Discuss the concept of the “second shift” from the book. Have you ever experienced this before? How can you fight against it in the future?
- What do you think about what Rachel said about “always negotiating” your salary? Do you agree? How do you plan to practice this in the near future?

About the Author: Rachel Rodgers
Rachel Rodgers is an intellectual property attorney, business coach, and published author. Rodgers started her career working for state and federal judges, nonprofits, and even Hillary Clinton.
Today she’s the owner of a multi-million dollar business, mother of four, and visionary featured in publications like Time, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, The Washington Post, and on hit programs like The Drew Barrymore Show. She is the founder of Hello Seven, a company dedicated to helping systemically marginalized people make more money.
Her nationally bestselling book, We Should All Be Millionaires: A Woman’s Guide To Earning More, Building Wealth, And Gaining Economic Power, is a powerful guide to creating abundance in your life. Rodgers shares how she went from growing up low-income to glowing up as a self-made millionaire, and how you can do it, too.
Curious how Rachel would answer our discussion questions? Check out our author Q&A to watch her candid responses!